Genealogy Collection

The library has a limited collection of genealogical materials which includes a few genealogy research books and several scrapbooks from area residents. 

Cemetery Records

Cemetery records are located at Aplington's City Hall at 409 10th Street and can be reached by calling 319-347-2425.


"Aplington News" Digital Archive

Some of your local genealogy questions may be directed here. In 2013, Aplington News was digitized and is now searchable online. The years from 1890 - 1962 are available. In 1962 the Aplington News became part of the Parkersburg Eclipse. To access information, go to the link below and enter your search items.

If you have questions or concerns about using this service, please feel free to contact us at 319-347-2432 and we will try to assist you. We hope you enjoy using this new service provided by the Aplington Legion Memorial Library. 

Click the below link to search the newspaper of Aplington, the "Aplington News" from the year 1890 - 1961.

Digital Archive of the "Aplington News"


Iowa Heritage Digital Collection

The Iowa Heritage Digital is an "online repository of Iowa history and culture, maintained by the State Library of Iowa, which brings together digital resources of Iowa libraries, museums, historical societies, and other cultural institutions to enhance access to and preserve long-term accessibility of these valuable materials." (IHDC)

Click the link below to access this collection. 

Iowa Heritage Digital Collection